How To Play Craps


Many inexperienced players fall prey to the misconception craps is easy to play because the outcomes of the dice rolls are based on chance. But as soon as they join the craps table, they find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of betting options and the fast pace of the game.

How To Play Craps

Craps is by far the most exciting game in the casino and the players are not afraid to let their emotions show. Learn how to play and join the fun. Here’s how to play Craps online: 1. Select a Craps casino & create an account (or sign in) 2. Make a deposit 3. Wait for the Marker to show “OFF,” and place a Pass Line bet 4. Watch the dice either roll a Crap, a Point, or a win 5. Once a Point is rolled, place optional bets if you wish 6. Let the dice roll until your Pass Line bet wins.

While craps is indeed a game of chance and players cannot affect the outcome of the tosses in any way, understanding the rules, the table layout, and the types of bets, is essential if you want to end your betting session on profit. If you are new to craps, we suggest you take a look at the following article to learn more about the game and the betting options it offers.

The Table Layout

The game is played on an oblong, baize-covered table with high sides. Most craps tables are identical and have a padded resting rail to further the convenience of players. There are wooden troughs, running throughout the entire length of the padded rail where players can place their chips.

Typically, a craps table can accommodate up to sixteen bettors, with eight players positioned on each of the two sides. The layout itself consists of three sections. The two identical side sections, manned by the dealers, are located at each end of the table. Each of the two side sections can be separated into two areas – the self-service area and the dealer’s area. The self-service area allows for placing Pass Line/Don’t Pass bets, Come/Don’t Come bets, Field, Big 6 and Big 8 bets.

The dealer’s area has six square “point” boxes, containing the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. Numbers 6 and 9 are actually written out as “six” and “nine” to prevent confusion. After a point is established, the dealer would place a puck on that particular number to indicate it is the point.

The craps table has “off” and “on” stages. When the table is “off”, no Pass Line and Don’t Pass bets are accepted because the shooter is yet to make the come-out roll and establish a point. Once the shooter rolls a point, the table is “on” and Pass/Don’t Pass bets can be placed.

The center section of the layout is where the chips for the so-called Proposition and Hardway bets are placed. It matters not whether you are playing in a brick-and-mortar casino or are betting online from the comfort of your home – either way, you will find that the layouts of the online and landbased craps tables are pretty much identical.

The Table Staff

Each craps table is typically manned by four people. The stickman handles the dice and dictates the speed of the game. Note that this individual is not allowed to touch the dice with his bare hands, he pushes them around with a flexible stick with a crooked end, instead, hence the name “stickman”. The stickman would also announce the outcome of each dice roll. Another important function of his is to place the chips for Proposition and Hardway bets on the layout.

Two dealers are positioned on each side of the layout to exchange players’ money for chips and ensure the bets are paid out correctly. They are not allowed to touch the dice under any circumstances.

The fourth person is the seated boxman, who observes the action, supervises the dealers, and keeps track of the house’s bankroll. Should any disputes arise between a player and one of the two dealers, it is the boxman’s job to settle the issue and administer the standard rules of play.

Table Etiquette

One important thing to remember is to place your bets when the dice are located in the center of the table. Tossing chips on the layout while the dice are in mid air is considered a breach of etiquette.

Also, you are recommended to follow the instructions of the table personnel, especially if you are new to the game. The personnel is there to ensure the game runs smoothly, so there is no need to become quarrelsome when they enforce the rules.

When shooting the dice, do your best not to throw them off the table. Shooters should try and hit the table’s opposite wall with both dice. Players are not allowed to remove the dice from the sight of the boxman and stickman. Hitting the chips on the layout with the dice is to be avoided as many superstitious players believe it to be a jinx.

As you can see, playing craps at an established online casino will not only enable you to enjoy the game at your own pace, but will also spare you from having to follow the elaborate etiquette at the table. As a matter of fact, this is one of the biggest advantages of online craps.

Players can also tip the dealers, but do it reasonably. One of the most suitable ways to give a tip is to make a “two-way” wager by placing one bet for yourself and one for the dealers. Of course, all two-way bets will be appreciated, but placing a Pass Line bet for your dealers is usually the best idea.

Basic Rules of Play

In craps, each player makes individual bets against the house. The person who throws the dice is called a shooter. Every player has the opportunity to be the shooter as his turn comes. The turns change in a clockwise direction. The shooter surrenders the dice when a 7 is thrown. The dice can be handled only by the shooter and the stickman.

Each new round begins with a come-out roll or the first toss of the dice, so that their combined value can indicate what the point number is. On the following throws, the shooter aims at rolling the point number again before a 7 is tossed. If 7 is rolled after a point has already been established, this is called a seven-out and the shooter must surrender the dice to the next player.

Only numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 are used to establish a point on come-out rolls. Numbers 2, 3 and 12 are called craps numbers and when they are rolled by the shooter, the throw automatically results in a loss for the Pass Line. When the come-out roll results in a 7 or 11, it is considered “a natural” – bets on the Pass Line win, while Don’t Pass bets lose. When a point has been established on the come-out roll, the shooter must throw the dice until the point number is rolled or until he sevens out. All other numbers thrown in the meantime are called “waiting” numbers and do not affect the shooter winning or losing the round.

Types of Bets in Craps

There are more than 30 possible bets on the outcome of the throw (the combined value of the two dice), but wagers can also be made for or against the shooter. Payouts differ depending on the type of bet players make. The wagers can be divided into two major categories – one-roll bets and bets that involve multiple throws of the dice.

Pass Line Bets

Pass Line bets are among the most important wagers in craps. If players understand how the Pass Line works, they will not experience any difficulties in following the game. These bets are made before the come-out roll.

Bets on the pass line pay even money if:

  • The shooter throws 7 or 11 on the come-out roll
  • The shooter establishes a point on the come-out roll and manages to throw the point number before 7 is tossed
  • Numbers 7 and 11 are called “naturals” because if they are thrown on the come-out roll, all bets on the Pass Line immediately win

Don’t Pass Bets

Don’t Pass wagers involve betting against the shooter, that is betting the shooter will lose. In other words, Don’t Pass bets are precisely the opposite of Pass Line bets. These bets are winning when:

  • The shooter scores 2, 3 or 12 (craps) on the come-out roll. Don’t Pass Line bets win on 2 or 3 and tie on 12
  • The shooter establishes a point on the come-out roll but sevens out before rolling the point number

Come Bets

This wager functions as an extension of the Pass Line. It can be placed as an additional bet after a point has been established on the come-out roll. The Come bet pays even money if the shooter rolls 7 or 11. If craps numbers 2, 3, or 12 are thrown, the Come bet loses.

When the shooter rolls a point number like 4, 5, 6, 9, or 10, the chips for the Come bets are moved to the point number box corresponding to thrown point number. The Come bet wins if the point number is thrown again and loses if the shooter rolls a 7. Players can make Come bets on every throw if they wish as long as a point has been established.

Don’t Come Bets

These wagers are the opposite of the Come bets and function as an extension of the Don’t Pass bets. Thus, they can be placed only when a point for the Pass Line has been established. Don’t Come bets win on rolls of 2 or 3 and lose on a roll of 7 or 11. A toss of 12 results in a push for all Don’t Come bets. All winning wagers of this type pay out even money.

If a point number is thrown, the chips for the Don’t Come bets are moved behind the point number box of the corresponding number. If the shooter rolls this number again, the bet loses, but if the toss results in a 7, the Don’t Come bets win.

Taking the Odds

If a point has been established on the come-out roll, a player can bet up to 2 times his Pass Line bet that the point number will be thrown before a 7 comes up. This is considered one of the most favorable bets as it comes with 0% house edge and increases the winnings from your original Pass Line wager. Players can take odds on their Pass Line bets at any stage of the game.

Laying the Odds

How To Play Craps Street

This is the opposite of taking the odds, although not as favorable. The player bets that a 7 will be thrown before the point number is rolled. As the odds for the Don’t Pass bets are reversed, the player will collect fewer chips than they have originally bet.

Place Bets to Win

Place bets involve multiple rolls of the dice. These are side wagers that can be made at any stage of the game as long as a point has been established. They practically involve betting that the point number (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10) will be thrown before a 7 comes up. Winning Place bets have higher payouts but still pay less than the true odds. Players are allowed to raise, decrease or remove their Place bets whenever they like. Also, these wagers are automatically taken off on the come-out roll for the Pass Line. Their payouts are as follows:

  • Rolls of 4 or 10 pay 9 to 5
  • Rolls of 5 or 9 pay 7 to 5
  • Rolls of 6 or 8 pay 7 to 6

Place Bets against 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10

These wagers are precisely the opposite of Place bets as the player is betting that 7 will come up before the shooter throws the point number the bet is placed on. The payouts for winning bets of this type are as follows:

  • Rolls of 7 before 4 or 10 pay 5 to 11
  • Rolls of 7 before 5 or 9 pay 5 to 8
  • Rolls of 7 before 6 or 8 pay 4 to 5

Buy Bets

This type of wager resembles the Place bet, the only difference is it pays true odds. The player bets that 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 will be thrown before a 7. Buy bets pay true odds because they involve the player paying a 5% commission (known as “juice” or “vig”) to the house. If the player loses with a Buy bet, they lose both the commission and their original wager. The juice is returned to the player if they take down their Buy bet before the dice are rolled. The payouts are as follows:

How To Play Craps
  • Rolls of 4 or 10 before 7 pay 2 to 1 with a 5% commission
  • Rolls of 5 or 9 before 7 pay 3 to 2 with a 5% commission
  • Rolls of 6 or 8 before 7 pay 6 to 5 with a 5% commission

Lay Bets

Lay bets mirror Buy bets because they win whenever a 7 is rolled before the shooter throws the respective point number the bet is placed on. Note that the player is required to pay a 5% vig on their winnings. Winning Lay bets have the following payouts:

  • Rolls of 7 before 4 or 10 pay 1 to 2
  • Rolls of 7 before 5 or 9 pay 2 to 3
  • Rolls of 7 before 6 or 8 pay 5 to 6

Big 6 and 8

These are one-roll wagers, which involve betting that 6 or 8 will be thrown before a 7. When winning, Big 6 and Big 8 bets pay even money. However, players are recommended to avoid them altogether because they have a shockingly high house edge.

How to play craps in vegas

Field Bets

These are one-roll bets, which can be made at any stage of the game. The player bets that 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 will be rolled before numbers 5, 6, 7 or 8. Provided that numbers 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 are rolled, the Field bet will pay even money. When 2 is thrown, the payout will be 2 to 1. A roll of 12 will result in a payout of either 2 to 1 or 3 to 1, depending on the casino. Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 are outside the field and when thrown, result in a loss for Field bets.

Hardway Bets

The chips for Hardway bets are placed in the center section of the layout and are handled by no other than the stickman. This is a sub-class of the Proposition bet which consists of Hard 6, Hard 8, Hard 4 and Hard 10 bets. The player is betting their number will be rolled out the “hard way” (the toss results in the same value on both dice, for instance 3 plus 3 makes for a Hard 6) before a 7 comes up. Hard 4 and Hard 10 pay out 8 for 1. Hard 6 and Hard 8 pay 10 for 1.

Proposition Bets

Proposition bets involve a single toss of the dice, have higher payouts, and are handled by the stickman. The chips for these wagers are placed in the center section of the layout. Basically, these wagers are resolved after a single toss of the dice. There are several sub-types of Proposition bets:

Any Craps

A roll of 2, 3 or 12 pays 7 to 1

Horn on Craps 3

How To Play Craps App

A roll of 3 pays 15 to 1

Horn on 11 (Yo-leven)

A roll of 11 pays 15 to 1

Whirl bets

They involve betting four units on numbers 2, 3 and 12 and one unit on 7. A roll of 7 results in a push for this bet

Three-Way-Craps bet

A three unit bet on craps numbers. Rolls of 2 and 12 before a 7 pay 30 to 1, while rolls of 11 pay 15 to 1

High-Low Bet

A roll of 3 results in a payout of 15 to 1. Also known as Ace Deuce bet

Three-Way Seven

This is betting that 7 will be rolled out on the next toss. It requires players to bet three units for each of the three combinations that add up to 7 (6-1, 5-2 and 4-3). The payout is 15 to 1

If you want to play craps for real money you can opt for one of the renowned online casinos we have reviewed on this page. All listed casino operators provide secure gaming environment. The outcomes of the dice rolls are determined by independently audited Random Number Generators in the interest of fair play. Craps players will benefit from the online casinos’ lucrative Welcome bonus offers and ongoing promotional incentives. Players in need of assistance are provided with adequate customer support around the clock. The online casinos, reviewed on this website are also highly regarded for their reliability and quick, hassle-free payouts.

Craps rules determine how a typical round of dice shooting happens. Craps rules are easy to learn, though the game has a lot of slang and terminology which might cause issues for beginners. Craps also has a lot of different bets, so a tutorial is needed when learning to play craps.

Before we discuss the rules pertaining to a typical hand, I want to point out a few specific rules. These special rules should be remembered when playing craps. This is especially true for shooters.

Craps Rules for Shooting Dice

How to play craps

How To Play Craps Dice Game

  • The player must use only one hand when throwing the dice.
  • Do not hold the dice under the table. Keep them in the line of sight of dealers and other players.
  • The dice must hit the wall on the other side of the table when throwing the dice.
  • If one or both dice are thrown off the table, the stickman (or another dealer) must inspect them before using them again.
  • Players can decline to be the shooter. If so, the dice go to the next bettor to the player’s left.

Rolling the Dice

A single round of craps is divided into two parts: the come-out roll and the point roll. A player known as the “shooter” rolls two dice to determine results. Each involves the placement of bets, though one is contingent on the other. If a player either rolls a “7” or craps out on the come-out roll, then that round of betting ends. Since there is a sequence to the game, let’s start with the basic roll in craps.